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Please Meet Your School Council Team

We are actively looking for people to join 2023-2024 School Council. Please view the various vacant positions below and reach out if you are interested in joining!
Thank you for your volunteer time!  

2023 - 2024 School Council Executive:

Co-Chair: Petra Heitkamp
Co-Chair: Claire Kerry
The Co-Chairs regularly meet with the school administration and communicate necessary information to the school community. They also prepare agendas and chair the monthly Council meetings.

Treasurer: Allen LeBlanc 
The treasurer ensures Council finances remain up to date by keeping a detailed record of all income and expenses along with accompanying receipts and invoices. Each month they provide a monthly report detailing expenditures.

Secretary: Alex Randall
The secretary records the minutes for each Council meeting.

You can contact the School Council Executive Team at: [email protected]

2022 - 2023 Division Representatives:

These parents are the voices on your behalf in discussing school matters. They are available to answer questions about school life, hear your suggestions and share ways to become involved in our school community.

Please contact them directly with any questions, concerns or suggestions - either by email and/or you can sometimes find them after school at pick-up.

 Kinder Rep: Jessica Neil - [email protected]

Primary (grades 1 - 3): 
Venus Nikseresht - [email protected] 

Junior Reps (grades 4 - 6):  Meghan Lewis - [email protected]

Intermediate Reps (grades 7 - 8): 
Maria Hinostroza - [email protected] 

 parent reps 23

Ottawa Carleton Assembly of School Councils (OCASC) Representative:

The OCASC Rep attends OSASC monthly meetings and reports back to Hopewell School Council on what was discussed. It's a great way to find out what issues the other school councils are discussing and dealing with. 
To learn about OCASC, please visit their website

School Council Committees:

Events Committee: 
Bike Sale, Ski Sale, monthly coffee chats, movie nights, 'Parents Night Out'.... This committee plans events for the school year that bring connection, joy and togetherness to the Hopewell School community. Your ideas and initiatives are welcome!
Chair: Rebekka Roy

Members: List of volunteers in supporting events (add your name!)

Yard Committee:
Hopewell's Yard Committee is focused on keeping our school yard looking its best. Twice a year they organize a team that rakes, weeds and sweeps the yards, but they also help keep the plants and trees healthy and strong. The committee is always looking for extra hands.

Josie Hughes, Carlo Zambri

School Lunches 
The Lunch committee coordinates the School Lunches, including Pizza Fridays and Subway Mondays. A joy for parents and a treat for students.

Lunch coordinator/ Pizza Fairy: 
Sarah Matthews

 List of Volunteers! Anyone is welcome as Lunch volunteer (add your name!)

Grade 8 Leaving Celebrations
Grade 7 parent volunteers traditionally "pay it forward" in preparing the festivities for the grade 8 celebrations, including decorations of the gym and hallways, coffee/tea or lunch buffet, and additional entertainment. Chairs: Barbara Anquetil
Members: List of Gr7 parent volunteers. Feel free to add your name!

Budget Committee:
The Budget Committee typically only meets once at the start of the year to discuss and set the budget. The school administration shares needs to help enhance the learning environment and the budget committee reviews and supports the requests. The budget is presented to council for approval. If there are financial issues over the year, the Budget committee may be asked to provide feedback. 

Teacher RepresentativeMeg Fracke

Voting Council Members:

Petra Heitkamp (Co-chair)
Claire Kerry (Co-chair)
Allen LeBlanc (Treasurer)
Alex Randall (Secretary)
Jessica Allen
Aleks Brading
Nicola Calder
Meg Fracke
Maria Hinostroza
Josie Hughes
Jessica Neil
Venus Nikseresht
Rebekka Wallace Roy
Carlo Zambri


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